What Would Make Me Stand Out 1

Within this blog I am going to look into what the media industry employers look for with a candidate.

Contacts, M., Contacts, M., Contacts, M., Contacts, M. and Contacts, M. (2019). media recruitment – Media Contacts. [online] Media-contacts.co.uk. Available at: https://www.media-contacts.co.uk/tag/media-recruitment/ [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].

Over the next few screenshots it will show the way in which this website says the way in which skills are needed in making me stand out compared to the next person. The first three skills are mixed based on the examples of listening skills, confidence and communication skills.

So with listening skills it does say that an employer may try and get information out of you by asking questions that are straight up as the main tester to see if you are listening correctly. With the confidence side of it an employer will want a person to be really confident with their own work but be confident as a whole as they may not want someone who doubts themselves or the work they they can create. Finally communication skills can be really important because it can portray a lot about a person but doesn’t always mean verbal talking.

Screenshot (261)

To further on from the above screenshot other important things that employers look for are marketing skills, focus which mainly is about targets and reliability. So to start with marketing skills consists of the ways in which a person can help the company gain more clients with being able to give them a “professional service”. Secondly the focus on targets are important because they won’t like any work not to be in on time, being on time is the key and it will make employers more happy with you. Finally, reliability which slightly comes into focus because clients will want work the way in which it has been discussed but also if a date has been decided for that work to be on time then this has to be done because of that person higher up or of another company then they are relying on you.




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