Initial Idea Survey Reflection

From the initial idea survey I have gathered that the target audience would be interested to see what women’s roles in World War 2 were within the documentary form chosen. From there I have gathered that I could use any information I can but overall I am going to look into key facts, hours worked, how much women earned, whether they needed training from the certain job types, how many women died while in action and the women’s groups in which they was separated all in my secondary research phase.

With asking people what they already know I was able to realise that there was a wide range of information in which this target audience knew. So the main thing now is the secondary research but this secondary research will help in building the planning stages leading from the interview to the shots. Allowing me to gain knowledge myself which can help me in getting the right information across to the audience so they can gain knowledge on things they don’t know or information they slightly knew but not that much. With this I plan to set up an interview with someone who has lived through this war where she can give a personal account but can help in leading to some shots.

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