Reflection on Secondary Research So Far

Looking into the two the two different roles from two different countries, England and American. This helped in seeing how they did things similar or completely different with groups set up or if women are allowed to be working. In the English blog roles it touched on the groups that women had and what they had to work in within those respective groups. Although both blogs are pretty empty and not full of much information but was a started into what they typically helped with at the start of the war.

Furthermore the research into the different groups helped in the main facts of the groups and the things they would have to do. For example, Land Army had “about 7,000 women enlisted in the army” or factory work producing “ammunition, uniforms, weapons and airplanes after choosing to work in a factory”. Had further information off how much some of the groups are paid, if the women needed any training for example spies did where as others may of been thrown into the deep end.

Finally, the facts about World War 2 blog is based on facts ranging from the key facts about the war like when it first started to the time it finished and other key ones like this one. In other cases facts about how many women were honoured for their work but also those who may of lost their lives to the opposition country from becoming things like slaves and so on. Within an updated idea blog I will talk about how I will use this research and other secondary research within my own work whether that is in a voice-over narration or impacting questions asked in the main interview.

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