Week Two Reflection

From the primary and secondary I have been able to build on my ideas from those shown in the initial ideas blog. Primary research helped me decide on a more concrete  interview material as the main source and more of what they would to know within the documentary that they don’t already know. Secondary research so far has helped me in getting a better idea of the information that could be key with what I need to create for a voice-over, creating a narration which I plan to tackle further in the planning stages.

Within the next week I want to create a survey that is aimed off the research that has been done this week to see what the audience think. From there I will be able to give an idea update based off this feedback and of the research that has already been done. When finishing that I will take the time to research into things that I may not already have looked into but also look into some of the things that the audience has said to see if it is relevant or come up with other ideas that could work too.

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