Research Conducted Survey Reflection

From the primary research that I have done about the secondary research from last week I have more of an idea for what to include within the documentary. I will explain in a blog later this week of how this has built up the ideas from the things that was first written down. The secondary research that has been done has been really important in being able to ask questions that are relevant but also have other things that need to be researched.

To go further within my research I will need to look into museums that is relevant to women’s roles within the war but could also have equipment and uniforms worn by the women during WW2. Furthermore, I will research into the equipment the women made but also see if women was required to wear uniforms and finally the Remembrance Sunday parade within the area that I live. If any other research that is done that isn’t mentioned here then I may fall back and get some feedback and see how the ‘target audience’ would like any of the information to be used.

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