How Primary Research Will Help Develop My Idea

From the many different primary research I have decided from the two interview choices to interview a person who has had life experience within the war to try and give the audience a better understanding, almost an inside view. I will use the secondary research to create a narration for the intro narration with some of the key facts but also talking about the groups before allowing the interviewee to give their own personal story with connecting the interview. To add to this I will attend a local Remembrance Sunday parade within the area I live in and get some shots that could become relevant if asking the right questions within the interview. Finally, I will try to ask around to see if I can get hold of any equipment that was worn by those fighting in the war and get some pictures. Possibly taking the opportunity to visit a museum that could be useful with this.

From doing primary research into my original ideas I was able to build on these ideas based on some of the things the “audience” had put into survey. The main important ones being how many hours they worked, how much they were paid based on hours worked, how many women died in action, feelings when husband had to leave, what did they wear, weapon making, what women were at risk from and whether they was allowed on the front line. With this it had helped me research phase.


This primary research shot above also helped in deciding the type of person I should interview to try and get as much detail as possible. The idea was built on even though at the start I had the idea to interview an aunt who has lived through WW2 but it is also important to keep the target audience interested when watching the video.


This screenshot below is talking about the different groups that women had during WW2. With the right research I found out there was five which will help in doing any voice-over preparations with the true information to help the audience gain information. Will also allow me to ask the interviewee if they know any of these and get them to build on it so their voice could be used in a voice-over for pictures or older footage.


This screenshot kind of already explains the idea but having done secondary research into the timeline of how WW2 went. I could use that information in a voice-over to help give the audience a better understanding.


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