Week Three Reflection

On the first day of the week I had set up a primary research survey about the research done last week so I could get feedback on what I had found. This helped me on building on my idea where I was able to do a blog that talked about my updated ideas. The secondary research done this week was built on what was said last week but also from this weeks primary research as I wanted to cover all areas, ultimately will be important for planning the narration for the voice-overs that I plan to do.

The secondary research into audience response theory (Bill Nichols) and documentary theorist Stuart hall was useful because I was able to see what reading I want my audience to read while watching. With this I was able to see how when making documentaries they deal with ethical issues as well as social and political problems.

Next week I will start with my planning stages with the documentations and build on research about ethical issues with OFCOM’s ethical codes.

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