Week Four Reflection

This week I started my planning stages.To start with I did a project schedule which was split into 4 parts which was research, planning, production and post-production. It allows me to keep on track towards the deadline, setting up bookings for those days planned to film. After doing the project schedule I moved onto the equipment and resources document where I talked about the equipment I plan to use during the production stages but also the post-production stage. Knowing this allows me to to get an idea for when and the times I will book out those equipment/resources from college.

Having started the research into OFCOM’s ethical codes of practice while finishing my secondary research phase, I was able to find many different codes that relates to my documentary. In those blogs I explained why they are relevant while also explaining what I am going to do to stop there being any problems, filming or after production. Having had a code talking about permission to film or photograph, I asked my local council if it is okay to film at the Remembrance Sunday location. This is allowed in public areas but whenever I am filming or want a photograph then I will ask the person in question if they are okay being filmed/photographed.

The calling sheet is an important document as it allows people involved with the production to know when they are needed (time). The interview one was a required because I may have to leave lessons to do this interview, allowing my teachers to know where I am.

In between the planning stages I decided to look into target audiences which helped me complete the treatment document explaining more about my project piece. In the next week I will try and finish the planning stages, mainly ones that haven’t been started yet.

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