Interview Question Survey Reflection

The important thing of this primary research is to get as many responses as possible and pick out the questions that could be well used within the interview planned. This also helping the planning documentation “interview prep sheet” as it gives many more ideas what to ask but the two questions asked made the answers more relevant. Some of the questions I will be using within the interview are:

  • “Was it frightening?”
  • “What was your role within WW2?”
  • “Was there good moments?”
  • “Would you consider yourself a hero?”
  • “Would you want to go back and do it again?”
  • “Do you know about the different job roles?”
  • “Was the pay worth it compared to the amount of hours you worked?”
  • “Was it hard with husbands being away at war?”
  • “Was there different uniforms for each job role?”
  • “Did you have a different job before, during and after the war?”
  • “Did propaganda catch a lot of women’s attention like it did with men?”

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