Week 5 Reflection

As the filming for Remembrance Sunday is coming up soon so I did a location recce and risk assessment. With this I also did a risk assessment and location recce for the house in which the interview planned. This allowed me to look into the risk imposed to myself but also anyone else involved to reduce the risks. Furthermore, I created a primary research survey about questions to ask within the interview but also helped in creating the interview prep sheet document.

Within the week my mentor told me to look into many different things relevant to my documentary and finish blogs I haven’t done yet. In the next week I will explain how my primary research has helped in creating a voice-over or other things that I want to include in the documentary based on the research. I will look over existing videos and relate it to my own documentary with any ideas in which it has given me. More research will be into copyright and the laws around music that is 70+ years. Timeline in which I plan to talk about each shot, the sounds in which I want to be included and how I think each shot will last. Finally I will be researching into the uses and gratifications theory


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