Ideas for Photography Stage

Within this blog I am going to talk about the ideas that I have for the photography stages with the props that I plan to use, the ways in which I want to use the props and how I plan to use the model to create something close to the artist ready to engage fans on social media platforms. More than anything I will explain about as fully as I can on everything I want to try and cover in each idea I will attempt. At the end of the blog I am going to talk how I want to create these ideas in short with what I need to buy props wise.

Photography Stage Ideas

Idea 1

The first idea I have is to have the model holding the balloons in one hand, other hand has the map where the model is mainly looking. From the screenshots showing where I have gotten the main ideas, there will be a mixture of black and white balloons within this picture. The black balloons to continue the look of the burdens, thoughts, feelings but one or two white balloons symbolising the people dressed in white within the Leave Me Alone but also showing some type of improvement but still being being stuck in the same moment. Within the photo there will also be a hand coming in to take the balloons while the model continues to look at the map which is roughly where the photographs are going to be took.

Idea 2

The second idea I have is to make the “map to hope” being the main subject of the photograph and the concept album. I want to have this photograph being took over the head of the model so I can keep the map the subject the way I want it to be. I want to have the balloons kind of included, attached around the map as again like previously said it plays an important role within the artists music videos but in his more recent album. There is a chance that if I don’t add the balloons in within the photography phases then I will try and make sure I have some kind of involvement within the editing phase, keeping the concept as relevant as possible.

Idea 3

The third idea that I have is to take photographs that allows people to see more of the face, somewhat having less expression from looking at the map and realising how hard it is to find “hope” when trying to find everything else too. Map being the focal point again, no balloons within this photography as I don’t feel like this is needed. Possibility of having the cap lowered so it is hiding some but not all of the face so the expression and eyes are seen. Within the edit I may feel like I could add balloons without overdoing the amount of material, if I do add balloons then it will be behind the model in question coming up from behind the head which is possibly more likely to be a white balloon.

Idea 4

This fourth idea is going to have the balloons being the focal point, mostly black balloons but again will have a mixture off white which has been explained at to why earlier in the blog/previous blog. With the balloons in one hand the other hand will be used to covered the face, expression not being shown but head being held slightly down like they are disappointed in something which is showing by the face being hidden. With the head being held slightly down I will also try and have the model to have the hat lower down across so we mainly see the eyes. What I hope with the eyes being the main focal point is to paint of picture of the raw emotion like they have seen a lot of things in life that no other person should see.

When it comes to the day in which I decide to do the photography stage I will try each of the ideas multiple times in different ways, taking as many photos as I possibly can. I will need to buy all the props I want included within these ideas but most is available like merch available from the artist, a hat/cap as long as this isn’t front on where its shows the Nike logo and I can personally make the “map to hope” concept and to use within the photography stages.

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