Screenshots Showing Where Ideas Have Come From

Below in the two screenshots it shows the lyrics “I’m lookin for the map to hope, you seen it?” which give me an idea to create a map where hope is in the middle of that map. Around that map I will use the names off the the albums in which he has produced whether that is studio albums or other music produced under his full name “Nathan Feuerstein”. Previous research and what I already know will help in creating this, may also need to do research on how I want the map itself to look. If there is more space then I may also use songs that has helped move his career more forward with getting work further out and creating a higher fan base.

NF The Search2NF The Search3

The balloons as a prop idea has come from the many videos in which they have been included in as it has become a symbol for his last album and from other research it is a symbol for his burdens, insecurities, thoughts and so on. In this case I am going to buy some black balloons and some string for the model to hold at a distance but not all off the ideas will consist of this, in a seperate blog I am going to expalin these four different ideas from this blog.


The balloons make a slight apperance but this isn’t the aim of this screenshot below, the idea is to have white balloons to showcase those people dressed in white. This is so then I can show a colour contrast within the album concept instead of just using dark colors like black throughout this work.

NF Leave Me Alone2

One of the ideas to use the balloons has also come from this Leave Me Alone video but the next two screenshots has helped me create an idea on how I want to aim some of the photography towards. The second screenshot shown from this songs video is a hand reaching out ready to collect the balloons and his burdens but I may want to relate this idea to the lyrics with the map to hope, not giving anything away.



Towards the end of the recent released song “Paid My Dues” there is this lasting image. The idea of calling this album “Lost” came from seeing this ending but more importantly instead of using fonts that is given through the software I am going to try and attempt this but om black paper with white coloured pen so it is readable from the background too.


This screenshot from Paid My Dues below is more to show the use of how balloons have been used across many songs but I also may have an idea to have a person cowering away in a corner keeping themselves to them.


The Search reference: (2019). YouTube. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Dec. 2019].

Leave Me Alone reference: (2019). YouTube. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Dec. 2019].

Paid My Dues reference: (2019). YouTube. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Dec. 2019].



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