Secondary Research- Colours

In this blog I am going to look into the colours that I could possibly use within the album concept art but also look into the colours eligible to be used whether this is primary or secondary based colours. This blog will help within the planning stages when talking about the colours to be used within the album concepts but also reflection blogs talking on ideas of each stages leading to the engagement of the audience.

This picture below is the colour wheel which was one of the first used within the link further below. In this case these are mainly secondary colours where two of primary colours are mixed but is good to look at because of the different amount of shades in between before it becomes lighter or darker. Within this blog I need to take a look at primary colours as these colours shown below would be a little to bright and doesn’t match traditional colours used by the artist NF, more darker colours in this case.screenshot-376.png

These next screenshots talk about what is seen mainly within the different colours. For example, black is seen as bold, rich, mystery, evil and strength which is a range of emotions that may be felt towards this colour for many people. Using this screenshot I will be able to decide some more on the colours that I want to use based on the aims of the project but also ones that suit that of the artist. Like mentioned black being one because of “mystery” which this artist can be within people finding the artists.

Screenshot (387)Screenshot (388)

Complex. (2019). 20 Color Theory Facts You Should Know. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2019].

Within the link further below I have took these many screenshots from. This is so I can take a look into what is associated with each of the different colours, mainly trying to look into the darker primary colours (black). These screenshots below is to add onto the above screenshot on what the colours can mean to a person but also for someone making an advertisment piece, somewhat tying into this project with the piece being made for an artist and trying to engage audiences with the piece. Basically marketing.

Colour Screensho4

Colour Screenshot

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Colour Screenshot2

Colour Screenshot3

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Colour Screenshot8

99designs. (2019). How to use colors in marketing and advertising – 99designs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Dec. 2019].

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