
My documentary is an expository style about women’s roles within WW2. The way in which this relates to that of characteristics and contexts is that I have an interview that I could base the documentary off to lead to other shots. These other shots being a mix of archive material which in this case was pictures while other shots are a mix of museums visits, Remembrance Sunday parade and a small visit to a place that didn’t hold that much anymore. The sounds used within my work were voice-over, that of the interviewee and soundtracks. All these being non diegetic sounds, no sounds were recorded with my camera apart from the interviewee.

The idea started because I wanted to see if this was a subject that I could use within my FMP. From there I started to ask my target audiences of the things that they would like to see. Within the first research survey I had decided that I would look into facts, how many women were in groups plus died, the amount of groups that women had. Having done that research I started my secondary research phase when I at first looked into American women’s job roles and English women’s job roles. From the two blogs that go into excessive detail helped in me deciding in what information I would want within the future of creating a voice-over. I looked into the key facts which I mainly found out the how many women were kidnapped by POW’s but also the amount of people who joined the effort of the war in each countries plus deaths.

The second set of primary research I was able to ask questions based on the secondary research I had conducted during that week plus ask a question based on a conversation I had with one of my tutors. I was able to decide on interviewing a survivor of the war, the audience wanted to see shots included off Remembrance Sunday while also finding the main things the audience want to know like how many hours they worked, how much they were paid based on hours worked, how many women died in action, feelings when husband had to leave, what did they wear, weapon making, what women were at risk from and whether they was allowed on the front line.

That research allowed me to do secondary research into the Remembrance Sunday in my area to prepare for filming, looking into Bill Nichols who explains in better detail of the documentary styles within his book, Stuart Hall’s theory which helped me in deciding how I want the audience to read my documentary, WW2 timeline which could help in any dates I may add in the voice-over if needed and the research helping in deciding research into Museums while also checking if they stick to the subject of the documentary.

Within the planning stages the more important ones to start one is the production schedule so I was able to stick to this towards the end of the project to meet the deadline. The second important thing of the planning was looking into the equipment and resources that I may need which will help me when filming comes I can book the equipment in advance within college. The OFCOM research into the codes in which every new video needs to stick to during production and post-production to protect those in the public space or their living areas and so on. All these stuck to when filming in public but also allowing people’s privacy to be kept. Research into target audience helped in my treatment and identifying what my target audience will be. Primary research was more important in creating an interview prep sheet but more importantly I was able to ask questions that the audience wanted within the filming of the interview.

Location recce and risk assessments were important to do so I could identify the places to stand to film on Remembrance Sunday while also knowing the risks beforehand so I can concentrate on that before setting up to film my shots. Within the other location recce and risk assessments they helped in identifying the risks imposed to me or another person in the interview but also a quick decision visit to the IWM museum. The timeline done helped me create the shot list which from there I was able to create a voice-over script based on those. Contextual awareness allowed me after to look into music similar, archive pictures while also looking how the interviews are conducted with any mise-en-scene.

During the post-production after creating the beginning base I started to look into other editing effects like the “Ken Burns effect” which I used on one of the images to zoom in on Tommy’s face as he is the subject in that case, parts of the picture isn’t needed.

Using the audience feedback during the project has helped me gain more ideas of what I wanted to be within my final edit of the documentary. I feel like the way in which the audiences replied in the survey that they read the reading exactly the way I wanted them too. The reason I think this is due to the fact they have realised that my intention was to inform them on women’s roles which many picked up on those roles, shown furthermore with the first question asked within the survey but also the second when the audiences replied with what they learnt.

Audience Feedback

The aim of this documentary was to inform the audience of women’s roles during WW2. This is what led to the first question shown in the below screenshot. This is important to ask because off using the documentary to inform but also because it means the audience have read the documentary the way I had intended while in production and post-production. Overall out of the 26 people that answered said yes they found the documentary informative. This also means the secondary research helped massively in writing the voice-over but the help of the interviewee expanding on things herself made it easier to trail onto more information.


Following on from the above question I wanted to find out what the audience learnt from the documentary. After research the main ideas I had was to include information on how people felt when their other half went away to war, what women wore during WW2 in their job roles, what weapons they made and audience having visual of a parade. The most type of reply is about the roles in which were stated within the documentary as one of the main things that the audience learnt, some never saying they knew of how they had roles. Other comments like lots/many things didn’t really tell much as it wasn’t built upon by the audience answering.

Another thing I said I wanted to include is the uniforms in which were used by all job roles between men and women which was also mentioned by at least four people. Some people were not aware of parades happen within Leyland while some have realised that we should still have to respect those who have fought. Finally the last thing I saw was mentioned is how during through hard times they still made the most of things and tried not to worry.

Audience Feedback1Audience Feedback2Audience Feedback3

I asked this “What did you like about the video?” so I can find out what the audience likes the most. Eight of the twenty four people said the thing they liked the most was the amount of information that was used within the video that made it “in depth and very understandable”. Other comments ranged from everything to the editing to the interview or the shots. Two completely different replies is that they liked how the parade had a black and white image to an older generation voice while the other example is how the interviewee repeated the question so the subject is instantly known.

Screenshot (330)Screenshot (331)Screenshot (332)

As I have added music below the interviewee and over my voice-over I needed to know whether everything said was understood. This led to this question shown in the screenshot below. Overall the majority of people who took the survey said they did (88.5%, 23 people) while some others said no they couldn’t (11.4%, 3 people). To find out more or the areas in which they didn’t I should of asked why they said no.


For future projects I thought it would be good to see what the audience think I could improve on. Majority of the replies says nothing, not sure, N/A and I don’t know. The voice-over I agree should of been better and I should of been more confident with it, clearer and so on. Another interview was mentioned but I left it too late to get hold of one but I had eventually tried but never got a reply. The editing could of been a little more continuous but was a massive improvement based on the first edit in which it was scattered around.

Screenshot (333)Screenshot (334)


Presentation Platform

The chosen platform that I am showcasing my documentary on is YouTube. The reason for this is because after some research I found that a lot more people use YouTube to watch documentaries or videos in general rather than on TV. These two screenshots below shows how many people (1,300,000,000) in 2017 actually used YouTube and that six out of ten people use online video platforms compared to live TV.



In recent weeks the viewing of documentaries have been third highest which all will depend on the amount released and if the audiences are interested in that subject in which the documentary is released. This screenshot below shows the amount off users gender wise watched YouTube in 2017. Overall there are more male users (62%) to female users (38%) meaning males may have more chance of watching but will also depend of the personal preference of the genders. The other screenshot shows the ages of the users and as the ages get older there is a slight increase until older ages like 45-54 which might be because off not knowing technology as good as younger generations.


So with this research and the reasons stated I feel like YouTube would be easier as there are a lot more users, easily accessible with internet but also because the younger generation have more users which I thought would be more of my target audience because of educational needs but also may be wanting to explore history more.


2nd Edit Reflection

After going back to the edit suite after the first set of comments which the process is shown in the blogs previously. This is the feedback I got so within the next day I will get into the edit suite and make sure that I do these things.


I removed the clips that wasn’t needed as they didn’t really give that much information that could give me chance to lead to another shot.


In the second edit I didn’t include a title like said in the previous feedback which will show the video playing straight away in this screenshot below.


The edit of adding the title will be shown in other blogs but this screenshot below shows how simple I had made the title.


End Credit:

The second edit only shows the clip in which I changed based on the first set of feedback I got and hadn’t edited in a credit.


The end credit like the title edits will be shown in another blog but this screenshot below shows the credit in which I give to for any of the help within making the documentary or people involved.



IWM Filming Reflection

The IWM had a wide range of equipment and material on show. The stuff I have filmed and photographed in there I can use for the cutaways within my edit which is really needed based on the first edit. With there not being many different cutaways or much material to use this was a much needed visit.


Not all these pictures are going to be used as some of them has no relevance. Some others may not be used based on the reflection of the lights on the window as I want the attention to be on what is inside not finding it hard to see what it is. Some of these photos could help with the photojournalism side of the project too because of the uniforms, equipment and machinery.

Video clips:

This shot is off weapons and the uniforms that the men would of used and wore during WW2. With this the letters sent around to communicate with each post but also the work needed of those posts. I could use this within my edit when Silvia or I in a voice-over talk about the equipment they made or use within a conclusion as to something on screen to keep the audience interested.


This shot is a mix of medals that were earnt, personal pictures with the letters with kind of certificates with a uniform of one who has fought. Could be a shot if there is any talks of medals received or with the similar uniforms for men but also women.


I can use this short clip of the plane because on the label it says English women built the plane while Americans flew the plane in conflict.



First Edit Reflection

Having done the first edit I realised myself that I had made many different mistakes. After sending this to my mentor I got this feedback from the first edit. Within the next few days I will go out and try and get more shots but also spend a little more time within the edit suite.


First shot:


This is the first shot that was in the first edit. Having filmed in Manchester the day before today I have more shots I could use and the change is shown below.


This is switching between many different propaganda photos with a different meaning below.

Title for Silvia and job:

Another part of the feedback is there having no name for Silvia or the job name in which had during WW2. The screenshot below shows this.


This screenshot below shows the title to let the audience know it is Silvia as well of the name of her job. How I did this will be shown within screenshots.


Montage pictures the same size:

Some of the pictures left the background of the interview in shot. Some of these examples will be below.




Again how I changed these up in my second edit will be shown in screenshots in the next blogs.




Aspect Ratio:

To finish of the documentary I used some pictures that I took of a war memorial but they was portrait and not landscape so it didn’t fit the frame.




After visiting a museum like stated I was able to change this ending to a different shot so it was able to fit the screen better.



Week 7 Reflection

On Wednesday my mentor gave me another set of stuff to do this week and next week. Earlier that day I had done the main interview which I feel came out okay although the many repeats of questions. One of the things I was told to do based on the interview is write a transcript of the interview to make it easier within the editing phases to pick out the important parts. I started the editing some shots I got from the interview and Remembrance Sunday to create some test shots to fall back to get feedback on what the audience like, putting the process of screenshots into separate blogs. I also explained how the uses and gratification theory relates within my own documentary while also picking up a few screenshots of public liability and why it is important although covered by college.

Within the next week I will show which parts of primary and secondary research has helped in creating a voice-over with all the important information I will want to include. In another contextual analysis blog I will screenshot my own interview and an interview on YouTube set up with veterans to see the similarities between the two but also use it as an indicator to do better in future work. With the band playing the song “The Last Post”it will bee good to learn the history of the song, when the song was first played and so on. Balance and bias mainly looking how during filming or in interviews that someones opinion isn’t put forward all the time for audience to read.

Interview Filming Reflection

The filming of the interview I feel went okay. Personally I think the questions that were asked became more relevant as they went on from women’s roles to WW2 itself. I could of been a bit louder in the interview instead of shying away when asking the questions, would of allowed the interviewee on hear me better. The main light source for this interview was the sun through the window making the interviewee the main focal point as you can see her face and expressions more when the questions is asked.

The interviewee questioned/repeated each question then carried explaining meaning I will be able to edit the interview so the question I asked won’t be there instead there will be more time for more information. The positive space within the interview is the way in which the interviewee is looking which is the main shot of the interview I will be keeping. Where as the dead space of the chair extending behind the interviewee isn’t needed and I will be editing this out so the focus can stay on the interviewee not what is going on around within the scene. In the editing I will also improve the key framing so the lighting amongstĀ other things that can improve the shot.

Week 6 Reflection

At the start of the week I had filmed Remembrance Sunday but I realised that I would need more shots that related in any way to the documentary so I looked into museums again but close to where I live. The one I found is called “Chorley Remembers” but is only open on weekends. In the contextual analysis blog I looked into two different videos and I talked about the interviews, shots, mise-en-scene, music that was included within the video. Furthermore, below I talk about how the videos have inspired me in my own work and how I will plan to go forward.

I made a start on the timeline and made notes for the thoughts I had while creating the timeline of why I put each subject in the places in which I had. In the next week I will have a clean copy of the timeline without the notes allowing me to change up anything I might not like. Finally I looked into copyright mainly aimed at music that is 70+ years old. I learnt of when the music is allowed to be used and many of it is when all authors of the music has died.

Within the next week I will finish my timeline paper and then look into user and gratification theory.

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