Remembrance Sunday Filming Reflection

Remembrance Sunday was an important event that I needed to get to get as many shots as possible that is relevant to the questions I’m going to ask my interviewee. The first clip wasn’t that great based on the position in which I stood at but also where the sun was early that meaning making the shot over exposed. I liked the clip because the parade was walking towards the camera but also shows expressions and other stuff more clearer.

The second clip was of the parade walking towards the stature of names and people that were lost to both wars. The problems I have with this clip is that a person is stood to far in on the screen so within my edit I am going to remove the arm so the audience watching the documentary is distracted by the person moving. I am also going to edit part of the section black and white to try and bring an older feel to the video with the voice-over too.

To match that for photojournalism I grabbed a few pictures of the wreaths which had many different respectful comments of remembrance on them. These pictures didn’t come out too bad, there was a few people included which I will cut out within the edit. Furthermore within the edit and change thinks like vibrance, brightness/contrast and so on.


Week 5 Reflection

As the filming for Remembrance Sunday is coming up soon so I did a location recce and risk assessment. With this I also did a risk assessment and location recce for the house in which the interview planned. This allowed me to look into the risk imposed to myself but also anyone else involved to reduce the risks. Furthermore, I created a primary research survey about questions to ask within the interview but also helped in creating the interview prep sheet document.

Within the week my mentor told me to look into many different things relevant to my documentary and finish blogs I haven’t done yet. In the next week I will explain how my primary research has helped in creating a voice-over or other things that I want to include in the documentary based on the research. I will look over existing videos and relate it to my own documentary with any ideas in which it has given me. More research will be into copyright and the laws around music that is 70+ years. Timeline in which I plan to talk about each shot, the sounds in which I want to be included and how I think each shot will last. Finally I will be researching into the uses and gratifications theory


Interview Question Survey Reflection

The important thing of this primary research is to get as many responses as possible and pick out the questions that could be well used within the interview planned. This also helping the planning documentation “interview prep sheet” as it gives many more ideas what to ask but the two questions asked made the answers more relevant. Some of the questions I will be using within the interview are:

  • “Was it frightening?”
  • “What was your role within WW2?”
  • “Was there good moments?”
  • “Would you consider yourself a hero?”
  • “Would you want to go back and do it again?”
  • “Do you know about the different job roles?”
  • “Was the pay worth it compared to the amount of hours you worked?”
  • “Was it hard with husbands being away at war?”
  • “Was there different uniforms for each job role?”
  • “Did you have a different job before, during and after the war?”
  • “Did propaganda catch a lot of women’s attention like it did with men?”

How Secondary Research Will Help Develop My Idea

All these screenshots within this blog could possibly be used within the voice-over. The main parts that will possibly will use is the ones of the groups to build on what the interviewee says within the interview itself. Before doing the voice-over I will create a script based on this which will give more information across for the audience to hear in the way I want them too.

Secondary Research Screenshot2Secondary Research Screenshot3secondary Research Screenshot4Secondary Research Screenshot5Secondary Research Screenshot6Secondary Research Screenshot1

Week Four Reflection

This week I started my planning stages.To start with I did a project schedule which was split into 4 parts which was research, planning, production and post-production. It allows me to keep on track towards the deadline, setting up bookings for those days planned to film. After doing the project schedule I moved onto the equipment and resources document where I talked about the equipment I plan to use during the production stages but also the post-production stage. Knowing this allows me to to get an idea for when and the times I will book out those equipment/resources from college.

Having started the research into OFCOM’s ethical codes of practice while finishing my secondary research phase, I was able to find many different codes that relates to my documentary. In those blogs I explained why they are relevant while also explaining what I am going to do to stop there being any problems, filming or after production. Having had a code talking about permission to film or photograph, I asked my local council if it is okay to film at the Remembrance Sunday location. This is allowed in public areas but whenever I am filming or want a photograph then I will ask the person in question if they are okay being filmed/photographed.

The calling sheet is an important document as it allows people involved with the production to know when they are needed (time). The interview one was a required because I may have to leave lessons to do this interview, allowing my teachers to know where I am.

In between the planning stages I decided to look into target audiences which helped me complete the treatment document explaining more about my project piece. In the next week I will try and finish the planning stages, mainly ones that haven’t been started yet.

Week Three Reflection

On the first day of the week I had set up a primary research survey about the research done last week so I could get feedback on what I had found. This helped me on building on my idea where I was able to do a blog that talked about my updated ideas. The secondary research done this week was built on what was said last week but also from this weeks primary research as I wanted to cover all areas, ultimately will be important for planning the narration for the voice-overs that I plan to do.

The secondary research into audience response theory (Bill Nichols) and documentary theorist Stuart hall was useful because I was able to see what reading I want my audience to read while watching. With this I was able to see how when making documentaries they deal with ethical issues as well as social and political problems.

Next week I will start with my planning stages with the documentations and build on research about ethical issues with OFCOM’s ethical codes.

How Primary Research Will Help Develop My Idea

From the many different primary research I have decided from the two interview choices to interview a person who has had life experience within the war to try and give the audience a better understanding, almost an inside view. I will use the secondary research to create a narration for the intro narration with some of the key facts but also talking about the groups before allowing the interviewee to give their own personal story with connecting the interview. To add to this I will attend a local Remembrance Sunday parade within the area I live in and get some shots that could become relevant if asking the right questions within the interview. Finally, I will try to ask around to see if I can get hold of any equipment that was worn by those fighting in the war and get some pictures. Possibly taking the opportunity to visit a museum that could be useful with this.

From doing primary research into my original ideas I was able to build on these ideas based on some of the things the “audience” had put into survey. The main important ones being how many hours they worked, how much they were paid based on hours worked, how many women died in action, feelings when husband had to leave, what did they wear, weapon making, what women were at risk from and whether they was allowed on the front line. With this it had helped me research phase.


This primary research shot above also helped in deciding the type of person I should interview to try and get as much detail as possible. The idea was built on even though at the start I had the idea to interview an aunt who has lived through WW2 but it is also important to keep the target audience interested when watching the video.


This screenshot below is talking about the different groups that women had during WW2. With the right research I found out there was five which will help in doing any voice-over preparations with the true information to help the audience gain information. Will also allow me to ask the interviewee if they know any of these and get them to build on it so their voice could be used in a voice-over for pictures or older footage.


This screenshot kind of already explains the idea but having done secondary research into the timeline of how WW2 went. I could use that information in a voice-over to help give the audience a better understanding.


Research Conducted Survey Reflection

From the primary research that I have done about the secondary research from last week I have more of an idea for what to include within the documentary. I will explain in a blog later this week of how this has built up the ideas from the things that was first written down. The secondary research that has been done has been really important in being able to ask questions that are relevant but also have other things that need to be researched.

To go further within my research I will need to look into museums that is relevant to women’s roles within the war but could also have equipment and uniforms worn by the women during WW2. Furthermore, I will research into the equipment the women made but also see if women was required to wear uniforms and finally the Remembrance Sunday parade within the area that I live. If any other research that is done that isn’t mentioned here then I may fall back and get some feedback and see how the ‘target audience’ would like any of the information to be used.

Week Two Reflection

From the primary and secondary I have been able to build on my ideas from those shown in the initial ideas blog. Primary research helped me decide on a more concrete  interview material as the main source and more of what they would to know within the documentary that they don’t already know. Secondary research so far has helped me in getting a better idea of the information that could be key with what I need to create for a voice-over, creating a narration which I plan to tackle further in the planning stages.

Within the next week I want to create a survey that is aimed off the research that has been done this week to see what the audience think. From there I will be able to give an idea update based off this feedback and of the research that has already been done. When finishing that I will take the time to research into things that I may not already have looked into but also look into some of the things that the audience has said to see if it is relevant or come up with other ideas that could work too.

Reflection on Secondary Research So Far

Looking into the two the two different roles from two different countries, England and American. This helped in seeing how they did things similar or completely different with groups set up or if women are allowed to be working. In the English blog roles it touched on the groups that women had and what they had to work in within those respective groups. Although both blogs are pretty empty and not full of much information but was a started into what they typically helped with at the start of the war.

Furthermore the research into the different groups helped in the main facts of the groups and the things they would have to do. For example, Land Army had “about 7,000 women enlisted in the army” or factory work producing “ammunition, uniforms, weapons and airplanes after choosing to work in a factory”. Had further information off how much some of the groups are paid, if the women needed any training for example spies did where as others may of been thrown into the deep end.

Finally, the facts about World War 2 blog is based on facts ranging from the key facts about the war like when it first started to the time it finished and other key ones like this one. In other cases facts about how many women were honoured for their work but also those who may of lost their lives to the opposition country from becoming things like slaves and so on. Within an updated idea blog I will talk about how I will use this research and other secondary research within my own work whether that is in a voice-over narration or impacting questions asked in the main interview.

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