My Route

The route that I am going to take after college is University. I feel like this would be a good step as I still need to build on the skills that I have gathered so far from this media course at college but an extra 3 years will help with this. With the research into the different types of career paths but also the added research into universities has helped a lot more into my decision but also already attending one University open day has too. Over the next few weeks I will try to go to as much open days as I possibly can and try to make a decision before the UCAS forms have to be in and sent to Universities.

Courses. (2019). BA (Hons) Media, Film and Television. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].


UCLan, e. (2019). Study at UCLan | University of Central Lancashire. [online] UCLan – University of Central Lancashire. Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].

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University of Salford. (2019). BA (Hons) Film Production. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].


What Employers Are Looking For In Candidates

Within this blog post I will try to show some examples of what employers tend to look for in all sorts of candidates.

Augustine, A. (2019). Top Transferable Job Skills Employers Look for in Candidates. [online] TopResume. Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].

Although this doesn’t say fully what employers expect, its more about personal things it can be turned around a little about what they actually fully expect. So for example an employer isn’t going to hire someone who says they are good at something but not saying what skills they had learnt or what makes them good at that thing. So within things like CV’s making sure that the skills of being something like a leader is detailed so they understand why you are a good leader or what sets you apart from other people.

The main aim when trying to get employed by someone is to make sure that words said aren’t the same as what other people would usually say within their own CV/resume. It is a chance to show why you work is better than other candidates that then stick out to the employer overall. Plus as much as it might not be liked but like the screenshot says below ask people to show why you would be good for that job. Overall the things that I have gathered from this screenshot is that employers like people who show off a lot more even though it may seem better to lay off this side of things.

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What Would Make Me Stand Out 2

Contacts, M., Contacts, M., Contacts, M., Contacts, M. and Contacts, M. (2019). media recruitment – Media Contacts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].

Again the three skills that employers look for a relationship building skills, speed and the ability to multi task. To start with relationship building skills mixes with communicating because when having a strong bond with a client then they will be able to return for more work with the ability to keep them happy with the work. Secondly, the speed in which the work is completed but also the way in which clients can be matched up to someone who would be better in a certain expertise over you. Finally the ability to multi-task can also be important because of the use of social media accounts being up to date, keeping up with targets, calling clients about work done and so on.

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And finally of the finally’s IT and Social Media Skills because if you don’t have knowledge on how to use social media to engage with clients or digital software to complete work then this career path would be completely pointless with the amount of contact that is needed to the editing of the work.

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What Would Make Me Stand Out 1

Within this blog I am going to look into what the media industry employers look for with a candidate.

Contacts, M., Contacts, M., Contacts, M., Contacts, M. and Contacts, M. (2019). media recruitment – Media Contacts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].

Over the next few screenshots it will show the way in which this website says the way in which skills are needed in making me stand out compared to the next person. The first three skills are mixed based on the examples of listening skills, confidence and communication skills.

So with listening skills it does say that an employer may try and get information out of you by asking questions that are straight up as the main tester to see if you are listening correctly. With the confidence side of it an employer will want a person to be really confident with their own work but be confident as a whole as they may not want someone who doubts themselves or the work they they can create. Finally communication skills can be really important because it can portray a lot about a person but doesn’t always mean verbal talking.

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To further on from the above screenshot other important things that employers look for are marketing skills, focus which mainly is about targets and reliability. So to start with marketing skills consists of the ways in which a person can help the company gain more clients with being able to give them a “professional service”. Secondly the focus on targets are important because they won’t like any work not to be in on time, being on time is the key and it will make employers more happy with you. Finally, reliability which slightly comes into focus because clients will want work the way in which it has been discussed but also if a date has been decided for that work to be on time then this has to be done because of that person higher up or of another company then they are relying on you.




How To Make It Into The Industry

Within this blog I am going to show many different things on how to make it into the industry through many websites showing some advice in which to do this.

sectors, C. and media?, H. (2019). How do I get into a career in the media? | TARGETcareers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].

The first thing I read within this website is the way in which depending on the certain industry you want to try and get involved with may possible need a degree. While some others don’t need actually need a degree but have to be able to get onto training schemes or apprenticeships.

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Over research into roles and responsibilities research with Stephen I have realised that a lot of the industry is based on the amount of experience that has been completed. With the amount of experience carrying on creating a portfolio of personal work but to get any of these at all can be quite hard if not in the London area.

Screenshot (259) (2019). How to get into the media industry – honest tips from professionals. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Sep. 2019].

The website above goes into more detail and more advice from people within the media industry.

Other Routes-Apprenticeships 2 (2019). BBC – Apprenticeships – Careers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Sep. 2019].

Other things that are included within the website is the things they are looking for or what they are not. Overall trying to answer the traditional questions of someone who may of stumbled across the page. For example, not needing qualification, professional experience/skills and not needing a degree to get this type of experience. The main thing that is important within these schemes is the way in which every skill has to be your own but also can’t have ideas that have already been used or done within the industry, in particular for BBC. Overall though it is mainly based on personal skills like being motivated, being able to work in groups, being flexible and so on.

For those of people who could be concerned based on the money they receive or if they have to apply for a loan to get through the experience. Within this though it does show that for the duration of the scheme you will get some payment based on where the experience is being placed at based on preference of how close to home you are living.

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If this seems like it could be a waste of time or just seen as a bit of experience then the top part of where it could take you would inspire someone more seeing where other people have made it too after this experience.

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Other Routes- Apprenticeships 1

The BBC hold many different apprenticeships across all of England, these could mainly be good to build up experience but also learn the many different skills and responsibilities of those chosen to work for them in that certain industry. So within this blog and another blog set up with more information I am going to talk about what they offer and see if this could be an option if I get accepted to University or after college. (2019). BBC – Apprenticeships – Careers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Sep. 2019].

This website has many different opportunities in the many different career options within the media industry but within an apprenticeship form.


From clicking on again production these options below comes up of the many different places within England and Wales.


So from that I clicked on a relevant option with Production. From clicking production this is the first few informative pieces in which tells you what the apprenticeship is, the location which in many cases would mean living within the capitol or within some of the main cities within England. Within the scheme overview it does talk about the type of people they are looking for, some to do with self goals but more importantly it talks about the way in which the placement happens. This would mainly be good because then there is experience that has been done within a big company but also would be a good place to learn things from more built up workers where it can also with getting opportunities and placements.

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Other Routes- Training Schemes 2 (2019). BBC – Trainee Schemes – Careers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2019].

Other things that are included within the website is the things they are looking for or what they are not. Overall trying to answer the traditional questions of someone who may of stumbled across the page. For example, not needing qualification, professional experience/skills and not needing a degree to get this type of experience. The main thing that is important within these schemes is the way in which every skill has to be your own but also can’t have ideas that have already been used or done within the industry, in particular for BBC.

For those of people who could be concerned based on the money they receive or if they have to apply for a loan to get through the experience. Within this though it does show that for the 10 months of the scheme you will get some payment based on where the experience is being placed at based on preference of how close to home you are living.

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If this seems like it could be a waste of time or just seen as a bit of experience then the top part of where it could take you would inspire someone more seeing where other people have made it too after this experience.


Other Routes- Training Schemes 1

The BBC hold many different training schemes across all of England, these could mainly be good to build up experience but also learn the many different skills and responsibilities of those chosen to work for them in that certain industry. So within this blog and another blog set up with more information I am going to talk about what they offer and see if this could be an option if I get accepted to University or after college. (2019). BBC – Trainee Schemes – Careers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Sep. 2019].

This website has many different opportunities in the many different career options within the media industry but withing a training scheme part.


So from that I clicked on a relevant option with Production. From clicking production this is the first few informative pieces in which tells you what the scheme is, the location which in many cases would mean living within the capitol or within some of the main cities within England. Within the scheme overview it does talk about the type of people they are looking for, some to do with self goals but more importantly it talks about the way in which the placement happens. This would mainly be good because then there is experience that has been done within a big company but also would be a good place to learn things from more built up workers where it can also with getting opportunities and placements.




Cons of Going to Higher Education

Leitch, C. (2019). Should I Go to University? The Pros and Cons of Going to Uni. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Sep. 2019].

One of the main things that is really off putting for applying for a University is how expensive it can be just to do a 3 year course and that is even before the living cost if deciding to live at University. This is the main con for university especially if you haven’t had in the family go so you cant get advice on what to do or not got the greatest financial backing.


In the mist of all the gloom about money and the debt that can occur, eventually may have to worry about the fact a job isn’t guaranteed because of a shortage in ‘high skilled vacancies’.


This is another problem because although a mind seems set on doing one thing and then deciding it isn’t for them which can become a problem as that course may not have the valuable spaces and if not it could feel like a waste of time and money. One of the main things that need to be considered by myself before making a final decision.


Leaving University it will feel like they need to get straight into the job because of the debt but also know that eventually will want to save up for deposits on a house or a car. Apparently according to research in debt, you can come off worse if you have a poorer background which will be all down to the amount of money being borrowed as richer may only be granted a small amount because some expect the parents to help with anything that is needed from them.


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